17 August 2007

The Cast

The Bitch: That's me. Mama to 2 boys, aspiring librarian, current corporate lackey for a big international computer company, hereafter referred to as CompCo since I don't want to get dooced.

The Scientist
: Husband. Daddy. Research scientist working for a global food company, hereafter referred to as FoodCo. He doesn't want to get dooced either.

The Monkey: 2-year-old boy. Early walker, late talker, full of energy. Jumps through life.

The Wombat: 9-month-old boy. Rolls, scoots, smiles, laughs, nurses, stands. Doesn't sleep so well.

The story so far: The Scientist and The Bitch met through friends, fell in love, got engaged, got married, tried to procreate, and then everything came to a screeching halt. After many tests, both were identified as being sub-fertile. They went through several useless cycles with Cl*mid and then an IVF cycle with Dr. Bow Tie. After some mild ovarian hyperstimulation and threat of cancellation, 2 embryos were transferred. 40 weeks and 2 days later, The Monkey was born.

Just after finding out she was pregnant with The Monkey, The Bitch started a master's degree in library science. 3 embryos had been frozen during the IVF cycle and when The Monkey was 10 months old and The Bitch was halfway through her master's degree, a FET (frozen embryo transfer) was attempted. Surprisingly, it succeeded and The Wombat was born 41 weeks later.

The Bitch finished her library degree this summer and is looking for a (new) job.


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